House Design rules in Vasthuvidya
Written by kanippayuradmin Monday, 28 January 2019
Depending upon the requirements, four major types of building are possible.
- Ekashala
- Dwishala
- Trishala
- Chathushala / Naalukettu
5.1. Ekashala (Rectangular single house )
Ekashala is made of only one block or shala. It can be of two types:
- Thekkini ( North facing ekashala) (See fig. 6)
- Padinjatti ( East facing ekashala) (See fig. 7)

Ekashalas facing North and East are considered auspicious. Even though houses are built with elevations towards South or West, those could be considered as one of the above type Ekashala as per Vasthu principles. Which means the design principles (perimeter) of either Ekashalas (West/South) should be adopted, but not of Eastern/Northern house. Additional rooms such as Kitchen, Toilets, Prayer rooms can be attached with the core house without breaking certain practices and perimeter calculations.
5.2. Dwishala (two houses )
Dwishalas are built for those who wish to have larger houses with additional facilities than the Ekashala . They are usually designed as combinations of two shalas (houses) but comes with a rule in joining them :
- Dwishala, with a larger Western core house added to a Southern wing.(East facing Dwishala) (See Fig. 8)
- Dwishala with a larger Southern core house added to a Western wing (North facing Dwishala) (See Fig. 9)

5.3.Trishala ( C- shaped, three houses)
Trishalas are another design combination (combination of three blocks forming a “C/U shape”). They are usually deigned in two types.
- Trishala with larger Western portion (East facing trishala) (See fig.10)
- Trishala with larger Southern portion (North facing trishala) (See fig. 11)

North facing trisalas are made of thekkini(Southern house), padinjatti(Western house) and kizhakkini(Eastern house) Combined Houses are placed around the Southern, Western and Eastern sides of the outer courtyard). East facing trishala consists of padinjatti(Western house), thekkini(Southern house) and vadakkini(Northern house).Combined Houses are placed around the Western, Southern and Northern sides of the outer courtyard).
It is advisable not design Trishalas facing South and West ;i.e, while designing, C/U shape open yard should be avoided in the South and West of the house.
5.4. Chathushala/Naalukettu
Chathushala (courtyard house)are designed as a combined house of the four shalas (kizhakkini, thekkini, padinjatti, vadakkini), around an inner courtyard. Courtyard-ed Chathushala’s were specifically built for the rich and noble class of the society.

Each shala designed with their specified design rules,(perimeter) are joined to form a single house. Perimeter of the outer house should adhere to the principles adopted for the major shala among the two shalas (Western house or Southern house). Depending upon the requirements, courtyard houses are broadly divided to two classes, combined chathushala type or split chathushala type. Combined chathushala type is designed to have four shalas in combined form with connected corner houses(See fig. 12). Split chathushala is designed with four separate shalas leaving open spaces in between them. Each of the shala built around the central courtyard serves their own purposes as kitchen, store, bedroom etc. (See fig. 13).