Selection of an Ideal Plot

Written by kanippayuradmin Monday, 28 January 2019

Selecting the ideal plot for construction is given great importance in Vasthuvidya. The selection depends on the following criteria:

  • Slope of the land
  • Orientation

3.1. Slope of the land

Selecting the ideal plot for construction is given great importance in Vasthuvidya. Terrain and soil conditions are also taken into account.
Lands with gentle slope towards East and North are considered as best. Based on (Sthalaguna), hydrological factors (Jalaguna), and biotic factors (Vrukshaguna), the lands are classified as good, average and bad.

Fig.2: Desirable and undesirable landslopes

3.1.1. Sthalaguna

When considering sthalaguna, gentle slope towards East and North are considered auspicious. Sun is considered as the major source of energy during day time as well as the stars being the energy source during night time. Among the various groups of stars, the major one is ‘Saptharishikal’. They are considered as the major energy source during night and they rise in the North.  Hence land sloping towards either/both these directions receives more energy and such plots are considered auspicious. Also, irregular plan shapes are not preferred. Instead, square or rectangular plots are mostly preferred. Soil is tested to check out its permeability and consolidation. Presence of substances like cinder(Thusha-Puttu), bone(Asthi), hair(Kesam) etc. in the plot make the plot inauspicious for construction.

3.1.2. Jalaguna

The clockwise movement of water in the plot is considered as auspicious. Water flow to North and East is also auspicious. Sites on the Southern bank of a water body flowing from West towards East, or on the Western bank of a water body, flowing from South towards North are considered as good. The soil moisture is tested by quick germination of seeds.


Vasthuvidya has classified trees and plants into two categories. Flowering, fruit bearing, and milk exuding trees are good. Presence of bamboo/thorny plants are not considered auspicious in the plot.